I downloaded the new OS X Mavericks for my macbook and I love it... except there are a few things that I have been struggling with. One was that the Dashboard launched if I sneezed the wrong way... I would just swipe the wrong way and while I was in the middle of working, I would end up in the dashboard. UGH! It was driving me crazy. So I googled and found this article from IT World: http://www.itworld.com/operating-systems/379426/disable-dashboard-os-x-mavericks How to kill your Dashboard in OS X Mavericks. The old articles have instructions that don't work but this did. If you aren't sure where the Terminal is... search for it using the spy glass on the top right of your Mac. :) Hope this helps you, it helped me!
Disable the Dashboard in OS X MavericksGet rid of the Dashboard in OS X MavericksBy Jim Lynch, ITworldHere's how you can disable the Dashboard in OS X Mavericks.1. Open the Terminal application (it's in the Utilities folder).2. Type in the following command then hit Enter.defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean true3. Type in the following command to relaunch the Dock, then hit Enter.killall DockNow the Dashboard is gone from OS X Mavericks.