Kosher, She Eats

What in the world is this? Another kosher food blog?

Ok, maybe it is "just another kosher food blog" but the goal and plan here is to highlight fun, easy, interesting, and fresh kosher meals that you can do at home. There are incredible chefs out there making incredible dishes that we miss because we can't eat in their restaurants. On the same note, Jewish/Kosher cooks are incredible! Let's bring those recipes home! In this blog, I will feature kosher tips, recipes, and kitchen adventures. I hope you enjoy this blog!

Why "Kosher, She Eats?"

This blog is an extension of my other blog, Talia, She Wrote. My obsession with Angela Lansbury and Murder, She Wrote aside (you can read about that here, if you are interested), I just love using language in fun ways. You can read it many ways and use punctuation however you see fit.

Kosher, She Eats?
Kosher, She Eats!
Kosher, She Eats...
¡Kosher, She Eats!

Read it how you want to but this girl eats kosher and she wants to share her passion for food with you.

Where do you get your recipes from?

Some recipes are my own creations. Some are my modifications based on recipes I have been taught, found, or tried. Some I find online, work really great and I share. I try to give credit to the original recipe owner whenever possible. Sometimes, however, I find them through a round about way (aka given to me from someone else, were found 10 years ago and I didn't document where I got it... etc.) and don't know whose they were. In no way do I intend to steal or appropriate as my own other people's recipes. This isn't a website about my amazing skills at writing recipes. This is a website for the Kosher cook who can't always visit 30 websites or cookbooks to find the perfect dish to accompany shabbis dinner. Please contact me at KosherSheEats @ if you have any questions or concerns!