Peoples Yoga Recharge

A while back I wrote about this great online yoga site, Peoples Yoga. I wanted to update about how awesome this website is. I thought I was going to do this great detox and do yoga regularly... well, okay so I am not that motivated but I have been using their services every so often and it has been great. Anytime I just don't want to go out to the gym or yoga studio (like in the snow) or if I am having a specific challenge (like today... I threw my back out a few days ago), I just pop onto and find the perfect workout. I just finished a short (30 minutes) beginner level yoga class on their site. It was exactly what I needed. I needed to get my body moving, my back moving but not push myself too hard, which I tend to do when at the actual studio.With Peoples Yoga, I was able to move at my speed, modify as necessary, and spend some extra time in poses that helped my back. I highly recommend the site! Check it out!

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