Well.... here it is folks! The final edition of my Capstone. After an intense 10 weeks of writing and then 4 weeks prior of writing the proposal, it is complete.Here is an excerpt from the paper -
Abstract Social media and inbound marketing have been on the receiving end of muchhype in the past five years. Due to the rapid growth of Internet usage,companies find themselves needing to stay current and develop newmarketing tactics. This is especially true for companies whose product is thecontent they deliver electronically through their Web site. The initial depictionof online social media marketing as an easy and cheap/free solution hasproven to be inaccurate. Many companies find themselves lacking for a wayto measure successes with these new tactics that provides an accuratepicture of the success or failure of their online initiatives. This study surveyedconsumer behavior and evaluated extensive historical analytics with theobject of finding a uniform way to measure success. However, the outcomeproves that as of yet there are no definitive measurement tactics but thereare clear best practices to capitalize on success.
If you are interested in reading it in it's full 57 page glory, use this link - Talia Davis CapstoneI welcome feedback and you are welcome to use parts of it as long as it is attributed to me!