Shana Tova u'Mitukah - A Happy and Sweet New Year

Shana tova to my readers! I have so many great blog posts waiting in the queue to finish and I promise I will but thank you for another amazing year with you, my loyal and kinda friends who continue to check this crazy blog!This time last year I was at Mayanot in Israel and exploring the holidays in Jerusalem. I remember the struggle I felt as I was trying to settle into life in Israel and celebrate the holidays away from my family. This year, life is totally different. Oh how I have grown and changed. Funny though... I am wearing the dress I bought one year ago to wear on Rosh Hashanah in Israel. A new girl in the old girl's dress.So Shana Tova u'Mitukah from me here is Denver with my family to you wherever you are and however you celebrate.If you want a throw back, check out these blogs: We Have To Walk Where? and Yom Kippur in Israel