Baby Gear

I get totally overwhelmed when picking out baby gear. I have, on several occasions, been researching products and looking at different ones, gotten overwhelmed and bought whatever I had seen first. There are so many options out there!I do love my some BabyGuyNYC and Lucie's List for recommendations (OMG I love BabyGuy boxes and he's why we got the UppaBaby system) but it can all be SO overwhelming!One resource that I have found that I cannot live without is (and Seriously. It's like Amazon but it's baby focused and I feel like I can find and compare products easier there. Then, if you spend the whatever it is... I think $39, you get free shipping. I save all my items in the cart until I hit that number and then it's two day shipping. The super nice part is that it's across their affiliates. So you can buy dish washer soap and baby food in the same order, with free shipping (true story... the box is in my kitchen).Not to mention that they have awesome sales. Like this one - right now Britax convertable car seats are 25%! Check it out! Also, if you've never ordered with them - try the widget on the right of this page for 15% off!What's your secret mom shortcut? I order everything I can from Amazon Prime, or, and Saves my behind!