Baby Gear

I get totally overwhelmed when picking out baby gear. I have, on several occasions, been researching products and looking at different ones, gotten overwhelmed and bought whatever I had seen first. There are so many options out there!I do love my some BabyGuyNYC and Lucie's List for recommendations (OMG I love BabyGuy boxes and he's why we got the UppaBaby system) but it can all be SO overwhelming!One resource that I have found that I cannot live without is (and Seriously. It's like Amazon but it's baby focused and I feel like I can find and compare products easier there. Then, if you spend the whatever it is... I think $39, you get free shipping. I save all my items in the cart until I hit that number and then it's two day shipping. The super nice part is that it's across their affiliates. So you can buy dish washer soap and baby food in the same order, with free shipping (true story... the box is in my kitchen).Not to mention that they have awesome sales. Like this one - right now Britax convertable car seats are 25%! Check it out! Also, if you've never ordered with them - try the widget on the right of this page for 15% off!What's your secret mom shortcut? I order everything I can from Amazon Prime, or, and Saves my behind!

Of Babies and Husbands

I have a husband and I have a scootchy, army crawling almost toddler. They both get into plenty of messes. Between my husband's garden and CrossFit workout clothing, he makes Purex plenty of laundry. I'm always looking for ways to get the stink out... I gave up on stains on those a while ago. But now, with an scootchy baby and a house full of hardwood, I have a new challenge... getting nugget's clothing looking like new.I'm a big fan of Purex but truth be told, lately, I'm a big fan of anything I have a coupon for... which has not been Purex, of late. However, the folks at Purex recently sent me their newest stain fighting laundry detergent - Purex® plus Clorox 2 - to try.The crib sheet took a beating.Like new! I couldn't even find the stain!And wow, it's like they just knew what was coming... shortly after I received the box, my son got a nasty virus... let's just say it was coming out both ends and I was doing A LOT of laundry. When he has had tough stains in the past, I have had to wash his onesies twice sometimes or at least stain treat them before... not with Purex® plus Clorox 2! WOW! They came right out and it was safe for colors. The poor jammies! The knees are destroyed!Like new!I was thankful because all nugs wanted to do when he was sick was snuggle and I'd rather snuggle that baby boy than do laundry any day. I've checked it out in the store and it's a pretty smart value. Price is good and the quality is excellent.

What is the worst stain you have had to deal with? What's your secret laundry weapon?

  And for being an awesome, hardworking laundry do'er... Purex® sent along a coupon for a free bottle for me to share!

One lucky person will receive a coupon for a free bottle of New Purex plus Clorox 2 detergent!
Just enter the giveaway form below. Entries will be verified. Open to US residents only. Must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
Purex plus Clorox 2 - available in Original Fresh or Sunny LinenYou can find Purex on Facebook, TwitterPinterest and Instagram.
Enter by May 22, 2016

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Purex brand provided me with a sample of Purex plus Clorox 2 detergent in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are mine.

Update to American Express Post

A while ago, I posted a letter about our issues with American Express and United Airlines. You can read it here. Here is our update...We were kindly contacted by some folks at Amex who put some of their best people on this situation. The agent who helped us was very kind and worked very hard for us. But it boils down to this, airlines are notoriously difficult and not interested in being the best at customer service. They were unable to do anything for us but did compensate us for being good customers.Our issue now has been clarified. United Airlines customer service is atrocious. We initially called when we noticed the problem and after a significant amount of time on the phone, the customer service rep HUNG UP ON ME. Really? That is how you handle customers? When we asked how to resolve our issue they offer us two options: 1. pay hundreds of dollars and rebook tickets OR 2. put it in a type of mediation service that takes a long time and may or may not solve our issue in time to make it to the two weddings. What kind of choice is that? It's a choice by a company that clearly could care LESS about us and our travel situation.Our boycott now lays squarely at the feet of United Airlines. So in addition to our boycott, we recommended to my brother, who will be traveling a significant amount for his new job, to avoid United Airlines and recommend to his colleagues to do the same.

Why American Express Lost Our Business (and United too)

This blog was never a place to just air grievances. And I promise that is not what we have become. As I slip into my new groove, this blog and Kosher, She Eats will get back on track. However, I have found that this is the best way to broadcast a large amount of information. So ... here is the letter my husband sent to American Express and why AmEx lost our business. Names and amounts have been redacted to protect all involved.

To Whom It May Concern:I am writing to inform you that, after spending more than $XXX on my SPG American Express card last year and using it nearly exclusively for many years, I will no longer be using the card. The intention of this letter is to explain why I’ve decided to give all of my business to Visa instead.   Over the course of several months, I’ve tried repeatedly to get an answer about a disputed charge and the customer service I’ve received was awful.  First, I initiated the dispute over the phone, with nonsensical results.  When I called back again, the agent I spoke with suggested that I include a letter explaining the situation.  I did just as she suggested and even included supporting documentation.  To keep myself organized, I will first incorporate that entire letter sent on 10/11/2013 via fax:

To whom it may concern:

I am writing to provide an explanation for a $XX charge from United Airlines that I am contesting as well as supporting documentation.  This is actually my second time contesting the charge.  On my first attempt, I was told that I would be contacted by American Express before any resolution.  Instead I got a resolution letter that doesn’t really address the issue, more on that below.  I understand that you only need the last five digits of my account number (xxxxx) in order to link this letter to the contested charge.

My issue is that I do not believe I authorized payment for the flight that United is trying to charge to my card.  My wife and I purchased our tickets with the specific purpose of attending two weddings, in two states, in two days.  Therefore it was an imperative that our return flight was early, so that we wouldn’t miss the second day’s events.  When we booked our ticket, we are absolutely positive that we booked a morning flight.  A few weeks before our trip, we received an itinerary change from United that has us booked on an evening return flight.  I immediately called United and explained that this must be a mistake, but the agent told me that my claim was a literal impossibility.  I found the original email we received from United after booking the ticket, and very atypically, it only showed dates and departure/arrival cities – no flight number, no flight times.  We would have noticed this omission right away, but this is the first I’ve heard of a confirmation email not actually confirming a clear flight.  And in any case, the information in the email was accurate for the morning flight that we booked.  United’s representative told us the following: 1) It was impossible that we received the truncated confirmation email from united (attached to this letter) that we claimed.  When we offered to send him the email for review, he refused. 2)  Any complaint would have to be submitted online and a resolution would only come weeks later.   He said that we may not even get onto the flight we wanted at that point, since the flight may full by then.  3) We would have to spend hundreds of dollars rebooking the flights back to our original choice if we didn’t want to risk the multi-week complaint process.  4) Since I authorized United to charge my card, it doesn’t matter that they gave me the wrong flight and I likely made the mistake anyways.  I would have had to make this mistake twice, since my wife’s flight was booked with points in a separate transaction.

United never sent us the incorrect itinerary on the day we purchased the tickets.  Had they sent the email, I could have canceled right away without penalty.   Also, bear in mind, United refused to fix the problem in time for us to book the replacement flight.  We were left with no choice, so we contested the charge and booked another flight on a competing airline.  I was doubly confused after I read American Express’ first reply letter which claimed that the charge was not cancelled by United.  I am not even sure what that means, especially in light on what I was told over the phone by United’s representative.   In any case, we took another flight, I did not authorize United to charge us for an evening flight and I don’t want credit because United had no right to charge me for the wrong flight.

The attachments to this fax are the following:1)     United’s original truncated itinerary2)     United’s flight change email3)     The United agent sent us another email while on the phone, claiming that he had a record showing that we were in fact sent this itinerary the day of the purchase.  I do not believe we received this email and, as such, I believe United has no record demonstrating their position.

I would like for American Express to contact me about this issue at my mobile number xxx-xxx-xxxx.   I realize my problem is atypical and may benefit from some explanation over the phone.

Thank you for your time, Daniel Haykin

American Express never contacted me as I requested, and over the course of the next few weeks I disputed the charge multiple times with contradictory and irrelevant replies.  Additionally, on my Amex statement, where there are usually flight numbers, dates, times, and airport, it was suspiciously blank. My wife and I looked at other flights we purchased with our Amex and those details were always there, except in this case.As mentioned in the original letter, American Express first told me to call United’s customer service to book a replacement flight.  This was particularly curious, since United told me I would sacrifice my flight during my original conversation.  Even stranger, when I resubmitted the exact same dispute again, your reply changed to “not cancelled and no value status.”  Why the change?  Did I ask one too many times?  I suppose so, because I kept getting similar letters every time I submitted my info.  And why would I repeat the same thing over-and-over expecting different results, am I insane?  No, but your customer service told me to resubmit my claim each time, making me borderline nuts.After each denial, I called Amex to explain that the central issue was never dealt with.  United booked me on the wrong flight, sent me a strange truncated itinerary (taking away my ability to cancel or change my flight without penalty), and told me that my story couldn’t possibly be true.  I provided those very emails as proof to American Express, time and again.  On occasions, the customer service reps ‘could not see’ any supporting documentation, despite the fact that I faxed it to the number given.  They said try again, and so I did.  I would call back and pages would be missing again, they said upload them online, and so I did.  Sometimes the replies would include an electronic imagine of United’s credit card system, showing that my card was charged for the wrong flight.  As if anyone was questioning that they charged my card.  That was the whole point!  What in the world does that prove?  Either way, why will no one address the letter I keep sending you over and over, and why won’t anyone call me back?  Maybe I wasn’t talking to the right person.  Sometime in December, I asked for a supervisor.I was transferred to XXX (#xxxx) and since then, in fits and starts, I’ve dialogued with her on this issue.  The first time we spoke, I spent more than an hour, in total, explaining the situation.   When we got disconnected, she called me back to make sure she understood the issue fully.  Admittedly, XXX seemed bright, polite and very competent on our call.  I was reassured.  Finally Amex was going to take care of me; I was a valued customer!  She told me, from my best recollection, that she would contact me no later than the following Thursday.  That day came and went.  I waited a few more days, called the supervisor line again, and through another rep, left XXX a message that I would like her to call me back, as promised.  After a few days, XXX did call back and apologized, without giving a reason for not calling.  She said she needed more time, and again, gave me a firm date for her reply.  That day also came and went with no call-back.  Yet again, after a few days, I called the supervisor line.   This time I didn’t hide my frustration.  I told the rep that I am beginning to feel disrespected.Let’s put aside that the revenue American Express receives from my card is sizable.  Isn’t it just rude to waste so much of my time?   Does your company actually want my business?   The representative expressed regret and said they would pass the message along to XXX and her boss.  I heard from XXX a few days later.  She apologized that she repeatedly did not call me back, she said she made a mistake and she wanted to buy us dinner with a $50 credit to my card.  But she also informed me that my dispute was not valid because of some irrelevant detail of my original conversations with an agent months ago.  I was floored, she didn’t actually look into the question of the email/itinerary at all, despite keeping me waiting.  At this point, I had been disputing the same charge, with the same question, with all the same documentation for months and still no clear answer.  XXX apologize and asked for more time, to which I agreed with a new caveat.  I was done calling Amex and wasting my time stuck in your telephonic customer service horror show.I informed XXX that if she was not willing to help me, I would stop using my American Express and start a letter writing campaign to help the company understand why I took this action.  She told me that she understood and would call back, and did so a few days later.  She had been talking about my issue with her boss.  They decided, on an open-ended basis, to reopen my dispute and force United to answer my claims.  The dispute would not go away unless one of the two following scenarios was satisfied: 1) United produces an actual email itinerary on the day of purchase as they claimed that they sent, or 2) explain why they are allowed to book me on the wrong flight, not send an itinerary and then not fix their mistake.  XXX asked for me to send another piece of documentation, which I did.  She promised she would be in contact with me with the resolution.  Hallelujah, exactly what I wanted from the beginning.   Weeks later I noticed the dispute disappeared from the Amex website and I got a form letter from American Express again, and no surprise, I never heard from XXX.  Same letter as countless times before with an addition, United actually provided the email they sent me.  This is progress.  And you’ll never guess what they sent your company – the exact email they claimed could not exist!  Why was that sufficient for you to close the dispute?  Doesn’t that prove what I’ve said all along?  United circled things on the email and drew arrows, did that confuse you somehow?  We may never know.I called the supervisor line yet again, this time to get XXX’s ID number for this letter.  The representative I spoke with sounded very concerned when she heard my story, she told me XXX was a longtime employee and asked that I give her some time to contact XXX and her manager.  I agreed to wait until Monday (2/24/14), which no surprise, came and went with no call back.   Perhaps the perfect final punch line to this awful joke:  I just checked my Amex statement, XXX didn’t actually give us the $50 credit for forgetting to call us back like she promised.Having failed through endless calling, I will instead try to get your company’s attention by sending this letter and making it as public as possible.  You must understand how much I loved using your card.  At every opportunity, I made sure to tell friends and acquaintances alike how much I value my SPG Amex card.  With similar fervor, I will publicize why this is no longer the case.  My wife is a social media specialist by trade, I’m sure she will help with this effort.  To tell you the truth, I do feel disrespected by your company.  As I’ve told your ‘supervisor’ line now multiple times, I am willing to reconsider only when your company reaches out to me, but I do not intend on calling you on this subject again.  I may not be an important customer to American Express, but I’m sure Visa will like my business.Daniel Haykin

What it doesn't say in this letter is how HORRIBLY we were treated by United Airlines as well. Including but not limited to one of their reps legit hanging up the phone on me after spending an hour trying to fix this. Thus, American Express and United are on our NO GO list from now on.

Update on the No Pants Dance

I was over at my favorite financial advice website, LearnVest, reading an article about this woman's quest for a perfect credit score and I realized... I just stopped my No Pants Dance updates when I got engaged. I mean, to be honest, I was a little bit distracted by my handsome fiancé and our wedding and then our honeymoon and now our adorable puppy BUT that is no excuse.Let's start with a recap. I decided to do the No Pants Dance in May of last year. Read about that here. Then I recapped June, my first full month of No Pants Dancing here. In the middle of month two, July, I wrote this. Then in August, month three, I wrote about our food growing expeditions and teaching my nephew to save and invest.Then I disappeared. Life got busy, the Jewish holidays came, and then... my Sweet Boyfriend proposed. :) My whole life changed, in the best possible way. All this to say... I got busy. So here is your update on the No Pants Dance.Refresher, the goals were:

  • I will be out of credit card debt in 9 months
  • I will have a significant amount in my retirement account by then
  • Once I am out of CC debt, I will put that money towards my car, student loans, and savings
  • I will put at least 30% of my income towards bills, loans, or savings every month

In the one year since I began this financial journey I have:

  • Gotten myself out of credit card debt (with the help of my husband)
  • Put the full amount my employer was matching towards my 401k last year (and so far this year) and transferred old 401ks that were sitting around and doing nothing into an IRA I can manage. I also put the full amount I could away in my new IRA.
  • Taken the money saved from the credit card debt and put it towards our wedding. We paid for a significant amount of our wedding and that wiped out all the extra we were saving from not having to make those payments and more. However, we are putting more towards the car than the minimum payment required.

Since we now have two incomes, we are using my husband's for wedding bills and paying down debt and mine for monthly expenses. Again, with our wedding, everything is tight this year. So you could say we are still on a No Pants Dance. Since returning from our honeymoon, we are on a strict budget. No extraneous clothing expenses... no fancy dinners out... that was what the honeymoon was for! The goal is to pay off my car and his small amount of student loans PLUS most of my student loans that are borrowed at 6.5% in the next year. We will then put the rest to savings and tackling the rest of the debt (which at that point isn't much).Our new, fresh goals:

  • Pay off car and 6.5% loans in 2014
  • Pay off all debt by 2015
  • Buy a house with at least 20% down in 2016
  • Continue to max out IRA contributions every year
  • Live a happy and debt free life

Haykin Family Photo 2013So there you go. My life has radically changed in the last 12 months. Where I used to feel overwhelmed by debt and finances, I am energized and excited about tackling this challenge. I am excited to help my husband build his business as a financial advisor and build our home together with our puppy and in the future, our children. And you know I will continue to coupon and check in with my No Pants Dance!P.S. anyone have any freelance needs? I am taking work to help pay down the debt! Contact me at taliashewrote @ gmail dot com :)

Purex Earth Day Contest!

Folks! Get in on this Purex contest for a chance to win!1161-promo-031.130848The Go Purex Gro Green Instagram Contests ends Tuesday, April 30th, so don't delay!Instructions:1. Follow Purex on Instagram, @Purex2. Instagram a photo of your favorite eco-friendly practice or activity3. Be sure to use the hashtag #GoPurexGoGreen in the photo caption and share the photo on Facebook & Twitter4. Ask your friends to “like” your photo on Instagram to increase your chances of winning.Prizes:The 5 participants that receive the most “likes” on Instagram will get their very own mini greenhouse (ARV $50), along with a free bottle of Purex Natural Elements detergent (ARV $6). This contest ends April 30th, so there’s no time to waste! Get started now and you just might find that with Purex, it pays to be green.

Etsy Wins For Details

I have just found so much success on Etsy for details for our wedding.I wanted a wedding hanger for my dress... found it on Etsy.

2013-01-17 21.00.16

I liked the history behind the wedding dress label... found it on Etsy.


Here's that history: In the 20’s and 30’s, couture gown designers starting designing personalized labels for their clients, and attaching them inside the gowns. Now brides can use this special touch to make wedding gowns truly their own. When the tradition of labels for wedding gowns started, it was seen as the last time a bride would use her maiden name. So the bride’s full maiden name and wedding date was sewn into the gown. More recently, brides began choosing to put their name and the groom’s name on the label with the wedding date. Today, anything goes—from nicknames, monograms, or symbols—whatever the bride feels has the most meaning for her.These labels are sewn into your wedding gowns lining at the hem, or inside the top of the gown, where a typical clothing label would go. They can be sewn in any color, but are most commonly done in blue for the traditional “Something Blue.” They can even be sewn as a pocket to hold something special, like a good luck charm, or other precious item that you want to have with you on your wedding day. After the wedding, the label becomes a memento for future generations to have the name and date from the day the dress was worn. This is a special touch for a dress that will be handed down. And if you decide not to keep the dress, the label can be removed, and kept as a memento of the gown-perhaps to be placed in your wedding scrapbook, next to a picture of the dress.

I wanted belt for the reception but couldn't afford the one from the veil designer... found it on Etsy.


Right now, Etsy is my best friend!


We did it! Whew! Pulled the trigger on the not only the ketubah but on the language as well. Harder than I thought it would be.Think about it. You have to buy a piece of art, that is going to hang on your wall forever, that will extol your love for each other (in a non-cheesy way) but that meets the legal requirements of Jewish law so if we ever move to Israel, they believe we are legally married.That's a lot of pressure on one little piece of art!After hours of looking, we chose a paper cut ketubah from Etsy. The Terrace Ketuba by Melanie Dankowicz is beautiful. I would have never thought that I would go for a paper cut ketubah but I love it! Here's an image of it from her shop:


I think it is stunning and beautiful! Something that I won't be embarrassed to have on my wall 30 years from now and I don't think it will fade either. I hope our kids think it's cool too. :)

As for the language, there are so many different versions. Even if you say "I'm going to be strict and only use the Orthodox version..." The translations into English are very different! The traditional ketubah is written in Aramaic, not Hebrew. I thought that was kinda cool but in the end, we used the orthodox version as a template and added in pieces that fulfilled our vision of Judaism and our relationship. I will share our language with you after the wedding (have to keep somethings a secret!) but I am very happy with it. I accurately describes our roles in our marriage. :)

Check out Melanie's site on Etsy for more paper cuts and AMAZING art work! Click here - MelanieCuts

We Found THE Band!

The Fever - Photo Sheet_Page_1Whew! Checking things off the list like it is our jobs! We finally put a deposit down on the band. We think they are pretty cool and they have a great repertoire! They can do jazz and more modern stuff too!They are called The Fever and they are from Boulder. We met with Michelle, the manager, and loved loved loved chatting with her. They are super versatile, passionate musicians and we are excited to have them rock out at our wedding!It's coming together!